WHAT IF THE nativity took place in 2016? What then? Well, this crowd think it would look a little bit like this.
This ‘Hipster Nativity’ set, by the company Modern Nativity, is an more current update to the nativity we all know so well. A reboot, if you will.
The shepherd boy is plugged in to an iPad:
The wise men sport fedoras and mustaches, travel to meet the baby Jesus on Segways, and come bearing Amazon boxes:
And Mary and Joseph? Of course they’re taking a selfie with their newborn while supping on Starbucks.
Joseph has a man bun. You can’t see it in these pictures, but it’s there.
At $129.99 (€122), it’s not exactly a gag gift – but if you’re willing to spend a little more on the ‘Those meddling millenials!’ grump in your life, this could do the trick.